Useful and factual information published by NHS contrary to Covid Myths.
How to avoid catching and spreading COVID-19!
How well do the COVID-19 vaccines work?

The COVID-19 vaccines are the best way to protect yourself and others, contrary to Covid Myths.
Anyone who gets COVID-19 can become seriously ill or have long-term effects (long COVID).
Research has shown the vaccines help:
- reduce your risk of getting seriously ill or dying from COVID-19
- reduce your risk of catching or spreading COVID-19
- protect against COVID-19 variants
The 1st dose should give you some protection from 3 or 4 weeks after you been vaccinated. However, you need 2 doses for stronger and longer-lasting protection.
There is a chance you might still get or spread COVID-19 even if you have a vaccine, so it’s important to follow advice about how to avoid catching and spreading COVID-19.
See other good practices regarding Covid safety measures here!
There are many myths surrounding vaccines and specifically the COVID-19 vaccine. Some myths which are incorrect are below:
Covid Myths: “The Covid vaccine was rushed and isn’t safe.”
The truth? The vaccines went through the same rigorous testing as all medications and met the same high standards.
“Rushed” suggests that researchers weren’t following their usual rigorous standards and that corners were cut. That isn’t the case. Rapid development and testing of vaccines isn’t common practice – but that doesn’t mean to say it isn’t safe. Vaccine development is usually slowed thanks to the bureaucracy, funding issues, and waiting for assessment panel dates. Due to the emergency situation, Covid vaccines haven’t been faced with these usual delays.
The Covid-19 vaccines have had to meet all the expected robust clinical milestones with no safety shortcuts. None of the usual steps were left out in the reported vaccine development. The independent medicines regulator (MHRA) has strict quality, safety, and effectiveness metrics that all medications (including vaccines) must pass. All the vaccines licensed within the UK have passed their strict processes.
Covid Myths: “The vaccine affects your DNA.”
The truth? The vaccines don’t interact with your DNA in any way.
The types of vaccine licensed for use against Covid-19 doesn’t interact with or alter your DNA. The Pfizer-Biotech and Moderna vaccines are based on Messenger RNA or mRNA. mRNA is a small molecule that’s made naturally by your cells, as well as bacteria and viruses. It provides a blueprint for protein manufacture. In vaccine form, they act as chemical negotiators within the body to teach it how to develop an immune response against Covid-19.
Covid Myths: “I don’t need the vaccine if I’ve already had Covid-19.”
The truth? It could be possible for you to catch it again – so it’s important to protect yourself.
It’s not yet clear how strong natural immunity is, or for how long after infection someone has protection against Covid-19. The current evidence appears to suggest that contracting Covid-19 again isn’t common, but it could happen, and we still have lots of research to do. It’s still recommended, irrespective of your previous immunity response, to have the vaccine when offered.